Our business

NSTAR is the largest Massachusetts-based, investor-owned electric and gas utility. The company transmits and delivers electricity and natural gas to 1.4 million customers in Eastern and Central Massachusetts, including more than one million electric customers in 81 communities and 300,000 gas customers in 51 communities. For more information, visit www.nstar.com.

What we are doing to protect the environment

For over 20 years, NSTAR has offered both commercial and residential energy efficiency programs to its customers, helping them save 6.5 million therms of natural gas and 800,000 megawatt-hours of electricity in the past five years alone, equivalent to reducing carbon dioxide emissions by half a million tons.

Earlier this year NSTAR earned a coveted Gold Certification for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for its corporate office building in Westwood. The company is one of only three in Massachusetts that have met the rigorous standards of a LEEDŽ Gold certification for existing buildings.

Why we support the Energy Smackdown

We support the Energy Smackdown as a way to supplement our efforts to raise awareness of the efficiency and renewable energy options available to our customers.

How we can help you

NSTAR can help the Smackdown audience by offering guidance, efficiency programs and financial assistance to our customers who are looking to reduce their energy use and impact on the environment.