Mister Milou
dog walker
Get Started
Get Started
To get started, call (617) 312-2130 or email us at info@MisterMilou.com to schedule an appointment with the dog walker who will be caring for your pet. During our visit, we will get to know you and your pet, and will record various types of information including:
  • Account information - your name, address, etc.
  • An emergency contact number
  • Pet information - breed, age, etc.
  • Feeding and watering schedules
  • Medical conditions and medication
  • Location of pet supplies
  • Veterinarian’s name, number & address
  • Any other special concerns or needs you might have
We will also explain fees, and answer questions you might have.

What you will need to get started:

  • Two sets of keys. Please test all keys before leaving them for us. Keys will be returned to you by mail upon your request.
  • Ample supplies for your pet (food, treats, poop bags, litter, etc.)

If you will be traveling: